CTCI in Python: Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters.

Samuel Guedj
2 min readJun 5, 2020

What if you cannot use additional data structures?

photo by Fabian Grohs on unsplash

This is the first question of the famous book Cracking the Coding Interview.
The book offers only a Java solution.
Here are my implementation in Python assuming the string is in ASCII (since it is ASCII the alphabet has 128 characters)

Solution 1 — First using a Set

We are evaluating each character of the string. If we already visited the character we stop otherwise we add it to a set and continue

def unique_with_set(str_input):
if len(str_input) > 128:
return False
data = set()
for c in str_input:
if c in data:
return False
return True

complexity: adding or getting in a set (or a dictionary) has O(1) complexity in average and O(n) in worse case

Solution 2 — Without using extra structure

We use each bit of “data” to save the visited characters. This is a close implementation of the method used in the solution of the book.

def unique_no_struct(str_input):
if len(str_input) > 128:
return False
data = 0
for c in str_input:
offset_tmp = ord(c) - ord('a')
mask = 1 << offset_tmp
if mask & data:
return False
data = data | mask
return True

Complexity of len() is O(1) (function of an object)

data is an int, in python it’s hold on 24 bytes and you can check it:

Solution 3 — python style

we are adding each character of the string in a set (so removing duplicate) and comparing the size of the original string

def unique_3(s):
return len(set(s)) == len(s)

complexity is O(n).

Here is the benchmark

The last implementation is the fastest.


Python has some optimization in its build in methods which change totally the approach of implementation.

Please add a comment for more pythonic/optimize solution

